Policy & Resources Committee
Agenda Item 119(a)
Subject: Petitions
Date of meeting: 9 February 2023
Report of: Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Lisa Johnson
Email: lisa.johnson@brighton-hove.gov.uk
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 To receive any petitions submitted directly to Democratic Services or any e-Petition submitted via the council’s website.
2.1 That the committee responds to the petition either by noting it or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter.
3.1 To receive the following petition signed by 4961 people at the time of publication:
Proposed closures of public toilets
We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council urge the Council to reconsider their proposals to close toilets across public parks in Brighton and Hove.
The impact of this decision on the use of our public parks and open spaces has not been taken into consideration. For example, in Preston Park alone in 2022, over 26,000 people took part in a parkrun, and these people will no longer have access to public toilets. Many of these people will be visitors to the City, who often then spend the day in Brighton. The proposal also identifies 14 disabled toilet facilities for closure across the City. This will have a very negative impact on disabled people. The Council needs to put any decisions on the closure of public toilets on hold until the public has been properly consulted, and a full impact assessment has been undertaken.
Lead Petitioner: Mr A Penwarden
3.2 To receive the following petition signed by 7974 people at the time of publication:
Stop closure of public toilets in Brighton & Hove by the council
Brighton Council are proposing the closure of at least 15 public toilets, including disabled ones from 1st April. These include ones in many popular parks such as Stanmer, Wild Park, Preston Park and many along the seafront including Ovingdean, Rottingdean, Black Rock, King Alfred.
This simply can not happen, not only does this affect the general
users going for a walk or using the area, but sporting events, such
as parkruns and many community, educational and other groups that
use these open spaces. Many events simply will not be able to take
place without these toilets.
It will also do nothing to help the cleanliness of the city which
will become increasingly unpleasant in the height of summer with
all the visitors to the city. These important public health
facilities should be being increased in number, not
Lead Petitioner: Ms J Claxton